Our group that meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm in An Gairdín Beo, Carlow town, began in 2018, established a committee in 2019 and has worked on several projects alongside Carlow County Council’s Environment Department, raising environmental awareness in our community and beyond. During 2019 we primarily focussed on helping some of Carlow’s festivals take on a greener focus, including the St Patrick’s Day Festival where volunteers helped as litter angels. This was followed in the summer when we provided environmental and waste management advice, as well asvolunteers to help at the Borris Writers Festival. In 2020 we worked with VISUAL to run a four month environmental film series, carefully selected for their uplifting, solution-focussed and informative stories, with the aim of informing and empowering the Carlow community to act on environmental issues which affect us all.