Global Action Plan Ireland is an environmental education organisation leading a sustainability action plan with the aim of creating sustainable communities across Ireland.
GAP focuses on people and how they can take practical action and facilitate long term behavioural change in their everyday lives for a more sustainable life, community, and world. GAP Ireland is part of GAP International – a global network of organisations in over 27 countries working together to achieve this mission.
Our mission is to support people to live more sustainable lifestyles, by offering practical yet creative solutions that inspire people to act.
Equally important, GAP programmes empower individuals to change their long-term consumption habits with sustainable living tools and programmes.
In responding to environmental challenges and working to achieve our vision of creating sustainable communities, we deliver programmes in environmental education and climate action, global citizenship, the Sustainable Development Goals and community led action. We have three main programmes areas and these are managed and delivered by a national team of expert facilitators. These are:
Primary and Secondary Schools
Community and Youth Groups
Corporate and Businesses
As part of our community programme, We run a successful community garden in Ballymun called the GLÁS Community Garden and is open to volunteers all year round and provide support to communities groups who are managing community gardens around Dublin.
Global Action Plan has a long track record in delivering climate action and sustainability focused programmes to underserved communities in Ireland. Your donation will support training and mentoring programmes for climate action and sustainable living in communities who are most in need.
2019 saw a rise in awareness of the climate crisis and as a result, there is a growing need for communities around Ireland to take action to address the challenges. Global Action Plan is launching a fundraising campaign to support groups in underserved communities who are seeking to take action. Our programmes are developed and ready to be delivered. What we need now is support to reach out to underserved communities throughout Ireland so we can provide the support they need.