The Maynooth Green Campus Committee (MGC) is officially in existence since December 2012. MGC brings together stakeholders from St. Patrick’s College Maynooth (SPCM), Maynooth University, and the development agency, Trócaire that has its headquartered on campus.
Our vision centres on the global significance of local action to promote environmental sustainability in the context of teaching, research, public engagement and other activities on the campus. We engage in and promote a wide range of activities locally on campus, and more widely, under the themes of Biodiversity, Energy, Water, Waste, Transport & Travel. We have a special emphasis on climate justice because the richest economies and the wealthiest social groups are most responsible for carbon pollution, while the poorest nations and social groups experience its worst impacts.
We promote the Global Goals for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations, which link social and environmental objectives. We seek to empower local actors, by linking local action to global goals, by building upon smaller actions and short term “wins”, by consolidating changes in practice and anchoring new approaches in the culture of Maynooth campus, and by monitoring and communicating progress. We initiate, encourage and support action by students and staff on campus, and we will work in alliance with the wider community, other universities and environmental organisations in association with An Taisce’s Green Campus Programme.