
Eco-Congregation Irelandwebsite

Eco-Congregation Ireland (ECI) encourages churches of all denominations to take an eco approach to worship, lifestyle, property and finance management, community outreach and contact with the developing world.

Our vision is to see churches of all denominations throughout Ireland celebrate the gift of God’s creation, recognise the inter-dependence of all creation and care for it in their life and mission and through members’ personal lifestyles.
We ask Christians everywhere to reflect on the beauty of God’s world and to consider what practical steps can be taken to prevent further damage to the environment. Also, to pray for our wounded planet, for people in the developing world already affected by climate change and for future generations.


Barrow Heritage and Developmentwebsite

Have you ever thought about leaving the Barrow a beautiful river for the next generation, it would be wrong to let it go into decline.

Blackstairs Farming Groupwebsite

A community based partnership group working towards the sustainable management and development of The Blackstairs uplands & their hinterlands.

Carlow Beekeepers Associationwebsite

At Carlow Beekeepers Association our aim is to promote beekeeping in the community and provide support for local beekeepers.

County Carlow Environmental NetworkWebsite

Our group that meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm in An Gairdín Beo, Carlow town, began in 2018, established a committee in 2019 and has worked on several projects alongside Carlow County Council’s Environment Department, raising environmental awareness in our community and beyond. During 2019 we primarily focused on helping some of Carlow’s festivals take on a greener focus, including the St Patrick’s Day Festival where volunteers helped as litter angels. This was followed in the summer when we provided environmental and waste management advice, as well as volunteers to help at the Borris Writers Festival. In 2020 we worked with VISUAL to run a four month environmental film series, carefully selected for their uplifting, solution-focused and informative stories, with the aim of informing and empowering the Carlow community to act on environmental issues which affect us all.

Carlow Community Garden Networkwebsite

This group has been created to share events and activities that are taking places within the Carlow Network of Community Gardens.

Eco-Unesco – Carlow branchwebsite

ECO-UNESCO is Ireland’s environmental education & youth organisation affiliated to the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres & Associations (WFUCA).

Green Sod Irelandwebsite

The purpose of Green Sod Ireland is to protect and conserve Irish land in perpetuity, for the sake of its indigenous inhabitants: Animals, plants, soils, rocks, micro-organisms and the like for their own sake, for present and future generations.

The land of Ireland is a green gift to all of us. In holding land in trust, we acknowledge and respect it for its own sake, thus protecting its indigenous life from destruction. Green Sod Ireland works with local communities, raising awareness of the health, educational, social, economic and environmental benefits of caring for the land and its biodiversity.

One Future Carlow Kilkennywebsite

A coalition of civil society organisations campaigning for Ireland to do its fair share to tackle climate change.

The Drummin Bog Projectwebsite

The Drummin Bog Project is a voluntary community project to restore the only raised bog in Co. Carlow.


Birdwatch Ireland – Cavanwebsite

Cavan branch of Birdwatch Ireland: The primary objective of BirdWatch Ireland is the protection of wild birds and their habitats in Ireland.

Cavan Beekeepers Association website

Cavan Beekeepers Association provides a networking platform for beekeeper’s in the county of Cavan and surrounding areas.

Community Resilience Cavanwebsite

CRC is an organisation to build community spirit and resilience using methods both sustainable and common sense. Our principles aim to create a more local society, one in which communities can grow based on the strengths they have and the skills they can learn, to form a climate of culture that thinks globally while acting locally, that builds today for a better tomorrow.

Drumlane Community Gardenswebsite

The aim of the project is to provide a training programme and set up a demonstration garden close to Drumlane Community Resource Centre on land leased from Drumlane G.A.A.Club.

Fairgreen Community Gardenswebsite

We are a small community garden, based in Cavan town. We have raised beds and 2 poly tunnels. New members are always welcome.

The SeeNdoo organisationWebsite

We aim to take hands-on environmental action in Cavan town, often collaborating with other environmental organisations to take the best and most action possible. We recently had a meeting and we have about 15 people officially in our group. Check out our website


Birdwatch Ireland – Clarewebsite

Clare branch of Birdwatch Ireland.

Garden of Eden Projects IrelandWebsite

We help with guidance and funding for local community orchards around Ireland.

Irish Seed Savers AssociationWebsite

Through growing, preserving, propagating and sharing rare heritage seeds and fruit trees Irish Seed Savers is Ireland’s main conservation NGO nurturing Ireland’s food biodiversity and sustainability.

Our objective is to preserve Ireland’s rich food crop heritage by conserving rare varieties of vegetables, grains and heritage apple trees, suitable for our climate and soil.

We connect with communities throughout Ireland to encourage and share our skills to provide awareness, education and on-site opportunities to teach the importance of self-sufficiency, seed sovereignty programme and protecting our environment

This knowledge and seed base means that Ireland continues to have some control over its future food security in times of continuing industrialisation of food and diminishing resources worldwide.

At our working farm in Scariff, County Clare, we have 20 acres of organic seed gardens, heritage orchard trails and woodlands that are open to the public, giving accessibility to the richness in our biodiversity and ecology.

To date, we have saved and researched over 600 varieties of organic, open pollinated heritage seeds – some even from extinction, which are housed in our purpose built living seed bank. Our extensive orchards hold the national apple tree collection with over 170 varieties as well as the countries only public Self-Rooting Orchard. We carry out extensive conservation research to protect our food heritage and to give insight into ever changing growing conditions in Ireland.

We share our skills and knowledge on seed saving, gardening and other sustainable living skills through workshops, courses, camps, schools, outreach programmes and events.

Irish Whale and Dolphin GroupWebsite

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) was established in December 1990 and is an All-Ireland group “dedicated to the conservation and better understanding of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in Irish waters through study, education and interpretation”. In December 1999, the IWDG was granted charitable status (CHY 11163) and became a Limited Company in October 2000. Since 2000, the IWDG has grown into a credible, effective NGO with a growing membership and increasing influence on government policy and actions.

Lisdoonvarna Biodiversity GroupWebsite

Following a Sustainable Community Course in 2017, we set up a Biodiversity Group to put into action the 2019 Biodiversity Plan.

Cork City

CHASE – Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environmentwebsite

Monkstown and Glenbrook branch

CHASE is an alliance of groups dedicated to protecting the health of their communities and safeguarding the Cork Harbour environment for future generations.

Cork Cycling Campaignwebsite

Cork Cycling Campaign was started in 1999 by people who wanted to make Cork city and county cycle-friendly.

The Cork Cycling Campaign works with local councils, community groups, and other institutions to improve cycling infrastructure and to encourage people to cycle.

Cork County

Birdwatch Ireland – Corkwebsite

Cork branch of Birdwatch Ireland.

The primary objective of BirdWatch Ireland is the protection of wild birds and their habitats in Ireland through the efforts of our staff, members and volunteers alike.

Birdwatch Ireland – West Corkwebsite

Birdwatch Ireland West Cork branch. The Branch holds twenty to twenty-five outdoor and indoor events each year and these are open to the Public.

Cork Environmental Forumwebsite

Cork Environmental Forum’s vision is for a sustainable world which prioritises environmental quality, protects and restores habitats and biodiversity, where consumption and economics take cognisance of the limitations of our one planet and where there is a fairer and more equitable share of the earth’s resources.

Cork Nature NetworkWebsite

We are a charity focusing on increasing awareness of wildlife species and habitats. We run projects and public walks and talks. We promote the involvement of everyone in enjoying and protecting our natural world.

Friends of the Irish EnvironmentWebsite


To create and maintain a network of conservationists and environmentalists in Ireland to ensure the protection of the natural environment, to advance the implementation of the right to full public participation in environmental decision-making, and to advance environmental justice


through monitoring the implementation of, and working for changes in, the development of Irish and European law that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, by engaging in the planning and other regulatory process, including but not limited to the pursuit of concerns and cases in both the built and the natural environment and by exercising the right if necessary to review administrative decision in the Irish and European Courts and to pursue the constitutional right to an environment that is consistent with the human dignity and well-being of citizens at large


by providing assistance to individuals, local groups, and the wider public in understanding environmental issues to facilitate the advancement of community welfare through sustainable development


nationally and globally.

Green Economy Foundationwebsite

We are an environmental non-government organisation (ENGO) working on a whole variety of issues – from farming to economics and from biodiversity to climate change and working at a variety of levels – policy, education and practical projects. Our organisational base is in Manch, Ballineen, where we run the Manch Project with 200 acres of sustainable broadleaf woodland.

Dublin - Dun Laoghaire Rathdown

Dublin Friends of the EarthWebsite

Dublin Friends of the Earth is an active group of volunteers who work together to champion urgent environmental causes that have a positive and practical effect in helping our environment in Dublin, Ireland and globally.

Dublin Friends of the Earth meet monthly online via zoom. Usually the last Wednesday of every month, from 6:30pm- 8pm. Contact to RSVP and be kept notified of any changes. Keep an eye on Facebook for meeting dates!

Dublin - City

Birdwatch Ireland – Tolkawebsite

The branch has been meeting monthly in the Botanic Gardens for over twenty-five years. Monthly meetings with talks from many distinguished speakers have been a feature of Tolka ever since. We organise monthly outings, open to all, to sites of birding interest.

Crumlin Community Clean UpWebsite

Crumlin Community Clean Up is a volunteer-run group based in Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland. The group activities is aimed at improving and sustaining the environment of the local area. Our mission is to enable every resident in the greater Crumlin area to take ownership of the shared community environment and work towards its constant improvement in line with values of sustainability, democracy and inclusiveness.

Dublin Community Environmental NetworkWebsite

We are working to create a cleaner, greener Dublin.

We are achieving this by connecting all those in Dublin who share an interest in our natural heritage and climate action, and becoming a hub through which everyone can communicate and take action.

We organise networking events throughout the year and promote all other environmentally focused events in Dublin.

Dublin 9 Environmental GroupWebsite

A group of people who build wildflower meadows and plant trees in parks with permission from Dublin Corporation.

Dublin Friends of the EarthWebsite

Dublin Friends of the Earth is an active group of volunteers who work together to champion urgent environmental causes that have a positive and practical effect in helping our environment in Dublin, Ireland and globally.

Dublin Friends of the Earth meet monthly online via zoom. Usually the last Wednesday of every month, from 6:30pm- 8pm. Contact to RSVP and be kept notified of any changes. Keep an eye on Facebook for meeting dates!

Forest Friends IrelandWebsite

Forest Friends Ireland were founded in May 2000 to provide an alternative to a rampant monoculture forestry policy. We value forests because of their essential role in maintaining the fragile ecosystems which preserve the earth’s rich biological and cultural diversity.
We are guided by our Strategic Objectives to plant our native trees, insist on the preservation of our native woodlands, and see to it that our native trees are planted in preference to the present Government policy of planting mono-cultures of non-native exotic species.

The principles of biodiversity set out at the Earth Summit in Rio 1992 should underpin action at all levels. The most precious thing on earth is the earth’s rich diversity of species, yet that is what is being systematically destroyed, to the detriment of all.

Global Action PlanWebsite

Global Action Plan Ireland is an environmental education organisation leading a sustainability action plan with the aim of creating sustainable communities across Ireland.

GAP focuses on people and how they can take practical action and facilitate long term behavioural change in their everyday lives for a more sustainable life, community, and world. GAP Ireland is part of GAP International – a global network of organisations in over 27 countries working together to achieve this mission.

SUSTAINABILITY IS OUR MISSION: Our mission is to support people to live more sustainable lifestyles, by offering practical yet creative solutions that inspire people to act.

Equally important, GAP programmes empower individuals to change their long-term consumption habits with sustainable living tools and programmes.

In responding to environmental challenges and working to achieve our vision of creating sustainable communities, we deliver programmes in environmental education and climate action, global citizenship, the Sustainable Development Goals and community led action. We have three main programmes areas and these are managed and delivered by a national team of expert facilitators. These are:

Primary and Secondary Schools
Community and Youth Groups
Corporate and Businesses

As part of our community programme, We run a successful community garden in Ballymun called the GLÁS Community Garden and is open to volunteers all year round and provide support to communities groups who are managing community gardens around Dublin.

Global Action Plan has a long track record in delivering climate action and sustainability focused programmes to underserved communities in Ireland. Your donation will support training and mentoring programmes for climate action and sustainable living in communities who are most in need.

2019 saw a rise in awareness of the climate crisis and as a result, there is a growing need for communities around Ireland to take action to address the challenges. Global Action Plan is launching a fundraising campaign to support groups in underserved communities who are seeking to take action. Our programmes are developed and ready to be delivered. What we need now is support to reach out to underserved communities throughout Ireland so we can provide the support they need.

Irish Environmental NetworkWebsite

The Irish Environmental Network, or IEN, is made up of nationally active Irish Environmental NGOs. Our groups represent a broad range of environmental issues including everything from wildlife conservation to climate change. Also home to Green News:

The Rediscovery CentreWebsite

The Rediscovery Centre is the National Centre for the Circular Economy in Ireland. A creative movement connecting people, ideas and resources to support greener low-carbon living.

As the National Centre for the Circular Economy, we bring together the skills and expertise of artists, scientists, designers and craftspeople united in a common purpose of sustainability. Located in a bespoke demonstration eco-facility, we support four reuse social enterprises; Rediscover Furniture, Rediscover Fashion, Rediscover Paint and Rediscover Cycling. These businesses use unwanted materials for new product development and design demonstrating effective resource efficiency, reuse and low carbon living.

The Rediscovery Centre is an accredited Discover Primary Science and Maths centre. Our education team offer interactive and experiential workshops for primary, secondary, and third level students which cover wide ranging environmental and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) topics. The Centre’s translational research activities support national waste prevention and climate action policy and advocate for a more resilient and equitable society.

The Rediscovery Centre is located in the repurposed Boiler House in Ballymun. The building has undergone a major green revamp and it is now a state of the art facility with a focus on sustainability and reuse. It is perfect for meetings that require a unique setting and that have a focus on sustainability and the protection of the environment. The facilities in our centre are suitable for conferences, workshops, meetings, team building events and exhibitions.

The Rediscovery Centre is also home to a unique Eco Store located on the first floor. The Eco Store sells sustainably made products from over 20 independent Irish suppliers and from our own reuse social enterprises.

Dublin - Fingal

Birdwatch Ireland – Fingalwebsite

Fingal branch of Birdwatch Ireland. Fingal is situated in North Co. Dublin and can boast of great birding spots for the beginner and experienced birder alike.

Dublin Friends of the EarthWebsite

Dublin Friends of the Earth is an active group of volunteers who work together to champion urgent environmental causes that have a positive and practical effect in helping our environment in Dublin, Ireland and globally.

Dublin Friends of the Earth meet monthly online via zoom. Usually the last Wednesday of every month, from 6:30pm- 8pm. Contact to RSVP and be kept notified of any changes. Keep an eye on Facebook for meeting dates!

Portmarnock Community Clean Coastwebsite

Look after the beach and dunes on the Velvet Strand planting dune grasses and periodic beach/dune clean ups over the Summer months. Track beach sand levels quarterly and photographically record dune condition especially the toe.

Dublin - South

Birdwatch Ireland – South Dublinwebsite

The South Dublin Branch of BirdWatch Ireland, the national NGO wild bird conservation group, has around 2,500 members in the south city and Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown catchment area.

Dodder ActionWebsite

The Objective of Dodder Action is to protect and enhance the unique wildlife and heritage of the River Dodder (and all its tributaries) as an amenity for current and future generations to enjoy.
We are hugely grateful to all our Volunteers and Supporters. Please join us:

Our work includes the following subsidiary objectives:
I. Wildlife: Enhance the biodiversity and habitat of the river Dodder as a wildlife corridor.
II. Heritage: Promote the conservation of heritage structures and archaeological remains in the context of the history of the river.
III. Education: promote the river and its environs as an educational resource for schools and the wider community.
IV. Community: promote links between communities and the river.
V. Amenity: promote access and use of the river and its environs through sensitive and sustainable development.
VI. Pollution and Litter: Promote a litter and pollution free Dodder through awareness raising, advocacy and direct action.

Dublin Friends of the EarthWebsite

Dublin Friends of the Earth is an active group of volunteers who work together to champion urgent environmental causes that have a positive and practical effect in helping our environment in Dublin, Ireland and globally.

Dublin Friends of the Earth meet monthly online via zoom. Usually the last Wednesday of every month, from 6:30pm- 8pm. Contact to RSVP and be kept notified of any changes. Keep an eye on Facebook for meeting dates!

Galway City

Friends of Merlin WoodsWebsite

Friends of Merlin Woods promotes the positive use of Merlin Woods and its connected meadow lands, and works towards attaining the highest possible designation for the environmental protection the area so richly deserves.
Conservation projects,Litter Picking ,Cultural Projects,Biodiversity Recording , Campaigns for Protecting Merlin Woods

Vincent Wildlife TrustWebsite

VWT is a specialist NGO and a key player in research-led conservation interventions for a range of mammal species. We supply expertise, advice and impartial evidence provide support to a wide range of decision makers.

Galway County

North Kerry Environmental ForumWebsite

The NKEF is a local community forum /association who are passionate about all matters relating to our environment, in particular sustainable development, biodiversity, climate change and our natural habitats, sustainable villages and towns, renewable energy resources, coastal zone management, sustainable eco travel /tourism and marine life.

We would love to hear from you on any particular environmental aspect and we have a special focus on the Atlantic coastal town land area of Ballybunion, Kerry & the Atlantic region.

Our Founder is a National Expert on Environmental Education & she has lectured nationally & internationally on Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development, Sustainable Tourism, Eco-Innovation, Eco-systems & Biodiversity. Environmental Educator, Campaigner & Activist and creator of the ‘Leave Only Footprints’,© ‘SaveOurSeas’© & ‘Bring2Bags’ © Coastal & Ocean Anti-litter campaigns.
Cherish our Environment-the #AmazingAtlantic Ocean .©

Passionate about grass roots authentic education on the local environment for further information on workshops/guided walks email with your details.

Thinking Global – Acting Local © 1998. ‘Think Global – Think Green’ ©


Celbridge River Catchment Trustwebsite

Are you interested in getting involved in protecting Celbridge’s local streams?

The Celbridge River Catchment Trust is thus looking for interested people, volunteers and citizens to participate in citizen’s science projects to help to research, evaluate, monitor, map the various threats to our streams, disseminate the findings, produce informative aquatic signs, as well as to look for solutions to improve our streams ecological well-being to ensure clean(er) drinking water sources and a healthy aquatic & riparian biodiversity.

Clane Sustainable Energy Communitywebsite

Looking how we use energy and what energy we use in Community Spaces in Clane

Eco-CREW: Creative, Resourceful & Enterprising Womenwebsite

Women promoting Sustainable lifestyles through creativity, enterprise and skills development while seriously having fun. Join the CREW.


Connecting cyclists and powered personal transport users through technology to the community and local business.

Extinction Rebellion Kildarewebsite

The Irish government is failing us. Extinction Rebellion Kildare’s direct action group rebelling for climate action and fighting for our planet’s future.

Irish Peatland Conservation CouncilWebsite

The Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) is a national charity (CHY6829, RCN 20013547) thats aims to conserve a representative portion of Irish peatlands for people to enjoy today and in the future. The IPCC’s work involves protecting and enhancing peatland habitat and biodiversity. Advocating for the wise use and management of natural peatland resources and promoting understanding, awareness and enjoyment of peatlands and wildlife. Based at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Co. Kildare you can visit the centre and explore all aspects of Irish peatlands from their formation 10,000 years to their present day. The IPCC own a network of five nature reserves including Fenor Bog, Co. Waterford, Coad Bog, Co. Kerry, Girley Bog, Co. Meath and while visiting the Bog of Allen Nature Centre you can explore both Lodge Bog and Lullymore West Bog. Keep up to date with the work of the IPCC by following us on social media.

Irish Wool Discussion Groupwebsite

This discussion group is to get discussions going on Irish Wool its potential uses and encourage producers to think out side the box. This group is also there for those who have taken wool from its raw status to end product status.

Kilcock 4 Climate Actionwebsite

Kilcock 4 Climate Action is a space for individuals, community groups, specialists and politicians to connect for collaboration on climate breakdown mitigation and adaptation and biodiversity recovery. It is open to all members of Kilcock and surrounding areas. Everyone is welcome.

Kilcullen Community 4 Climate Actionwebsite

Kilcullen Community 4 Climate Action is a group of people passionate about creating sustainable communities in a collaborative way. We are linked to Kildare and Kilcock Communities for Climate Change

Kildare Community 4 Climate ActionWebsite

This group arose out of of the Communities 4 Climate Action 10 week course held in Kildare in the Autumn of 2019. The course was led by Gavin Harte of ESD Training and covered many different topics such as food culture, sustainable land use, water and community resilience. The course attendees were inspired to continue to connect and work together on climate issues. Many of us have set up climate action initiatives in our own areas and we continue to share knowledge and build on a Kildare wide community of environmental activists.

Kildare Environmental Networkwebsite

Kildare Environmental Network (KEEN) is an environmental NGO which raises awareness and participates in public policy as part of the PPN Environmental Pillar.

Contact: Ph: 0858400920

Maynooth Green CampusWebsite

The Maynooth Green Campus Committee (MGC) is officially in existence since December 2012. MGC brings together stakeholders from St. Patrick’s College Maynooth (SPCM), Maynooth University, and the development agency, Trócaire that has its headquartered on campus.

​Our vision centres on the global significance of local action to promote environmental sustainability in the context of teaching, research, public engagement and other activities on the campus. We engage in and promote a wide range of activities locally on campus, and more widely, under the themes of Biodiversity, Energy, Water, Waste, Transport & Travel. We have a special emphasis on climate justice because the richest economies and the wealthiest social groups are most responsible for carbon pollution, while the poorest nations and social groups experience its worst impacts.

We promote the Global Goals for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations, which link social and environmental objectives. We seek to empower local actors, by linking local action to global goals, by building upon smaller actions and short term “wins”, by consolidating changes in practice and anchoring new approaches in the culture of Maynooth campus, and by monitoring and communicating progress. We initiate, encourage and support action by students and staff on campus, and we will work in alliance with the wider community, other universities and environmental organisations in association with An Taisce’s Green Campus Programme.

Maynooth Sustainable Energy Communitywebsite

Maynooth Sustainable Energy Community was established in 2018 with the vision of creating a sustainable, low carbon community.

Monasterevin Sustainable Energy Communitywebsite

Monasterevin Sustainable Energy Community

NO PLANET B Clubwebsite

No Planet B is a club set up to raise awareness of climate change. Set up by a group of 4th class girls who want to make a difference.

North Kildare Beekeepers Associationwebsite

The association manages 3 apiaries for the benefit of the members. These are located at
The Curragh behind the racecourse
Barnhall in Leixlip and
Russborough House walled garden
Members are encouraged to visit these apiaries on a weekly basis to improve their bee keeping skills and learn from the more senior members.

Shamrock Springwebsite

A movement to empower, inspire, educate and share solutions
A regenerated drive to help the planet one step at a time
Propagating a regenerative shift from Linear to Circular Economy thinking and acting
Guiding Inclusive innovative awareness journeys

South Kildare Beekeepers Associationwebsite

We meet on the first Thursday of most months in The Church of Ireland Center, Athy at 7.30pm.

Lectures, presentations, demonstrations and workshops are given at these meetings by our own beekeepers and by guest speakers.

Wild Kildarewebsite

Welcome to our new group Wild Kildare. Our aim is simple, to promote, enhance and protect the wildlife and biodiversity of Co. Kildare.

Zero Waste Community Garden, Rathcoffeywebsite

National award winning community garden allotments practicing zero waste. Repurpose, reuse and recycle!

Zero Waste Maynoothwebsite

The idea for Zero Waste Maynooth came about over a cuppa and a fly away comment – “Wouldn’t it be lovely to have more zero waste minded people to have tea with?” That was in 2017. Since then we have expanded our idea to try to reach out to all of the community in Maynooth and surrounds – but a cuppa is never far away!


One Future Carlow Kilkennywebsite

A coalition of civil society organisations campaigning for Ireland to do its fair share to tackle climate change.



Good Energies Alliance IrelandWebsite

Good Energies Alliance Ireland (GEAI) is an environmental NGO based in Ballinagleragh, North Leitrim. Nowadays, after a successful campaign to ban fracking in 2017, our main focus is in the climate-verse. Our current core mission is to co-design and roll-out a “glocal” climate action plan that works with and for the rural community. Leaving no one behind. This initiative is called Cróga (= brave in Irish).


Environmental Trust IrelandWebsite

Environmental Trust Ireland is a voluntary not for profit organisation committed to the advancement and promotion of environmental protection,conservation of the natural and built environment, biodiversity, wildlife, ecosystems and cultural and heritage protection.

Extinction Rebellion Limerickwebsite

The Irish government is failing us. Extinction Rebellion Limerick is a direct action group rebelling for climate action & fighting for our planet’s future.

Fridays for Future LimerickWebsite

We are a group of youth activists from across Limerick who protest every single Friday from 11:30-1pm on Thomas Street to combat the climate crisis and ecological breakdown.

Limerick Bat GroupWebsite

A local bat group interested and involved in the preservation and conservation of bats and their supporting habitats, in Limerick and surrounding environment.


Louth Environmental NetworkWebsite

The LEN is made up of individuals with interests in a wide range of environmental issues. They provide a central hub around which people from Louth can gather, discuss projects, ask for help, create change and become involved in their local Public Participation Network. As an organisation we are still in our early stages but we are growing and look forward to increasing our activities and interaction in the local community.


Transition LongfordWebsite

Transition Longford is a group of people in County Longford focusing on and working toward developing more sustainable, resilient, regenerative communities.. We aim to equip ourselves and our communities with the knowledge necessary to meet the challenges of an uncertain future and work together on projects relating to zero waste, up cycling, community gardens and other food growing projects, tree planting, community energy and other such initiatives.



Foodture is a grassroots initiative set up as a social enterprise. Our objective is to connect citizens to Fair Food Producers in Ireland and to offer them a platform to tell their stories. We hope that this will help to build a fairer food system, fair to people, animals and the planet!

Leave No TraceWebsite

Leave No Trace Ireland is a not-for-profit company made up of partner organisations with a shared interest in encouraging responsible enjoyment of Ireland’s natural environment. Our mission is to promote and inspire responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnership throughout the island
of Ireland.

Mayo Environmental NetworkWebsite

We are just a group of ordinary individuals who came together because we share a passion on a wide range of environmental issues.
We would love and welcome other individuals and environmental groups to join us and share our respect for the world around us.
Link in with us on Facebook for issues and events happening in Mayo.


Eco AdvocacyWebsite

We advocate on issues of: –

Planning and Environmental Law,
Biodiversity and specifically Invasive Species,
Sustainability; Energy supply, employment, natural resources


Clara Bog Visitor Centrewebsite

Clara Bog is one of the best remaining examples of a relatively intact raised bog in Western Europe.

Coole Eco Communitywebsite

A project dedicated to land regeneration and community living

Green Offalywebsite

Green Offaly has a mission to work with all sectors of our local Communities to assist in lowering our County’s Greenhouse Gas emissions and to preserve, restore and increase our Biodiversity.

The Growerywebsite

The Growery is Ireland’s first Urban Food Commons, situated in Birr Co.Offaly, in the Irish midlands.

Irish Wildlife Trustwebsite

Looking out for wildlife in Laois and Offaly

We aim to promote wildlife and habitats within Laois and Offaly by running a suite of events throughout the year and carrying out conservation projects whilst supporting the overall work of The Irish Wildlife Trust.

National Federation of Group Water Schemeswebsite

The National Federation of Group Water Schemes (NFGWS) is the representative organisation for the community-owned group water scheme (GWS) sector in Ireland.

Offaly Beekeeperswebsite

The association holds regular meetings at the Offaly Historical Society Hall, Bury Quay, Tullamore. Meetings are normally held on a Tuesday every three to four weeks. These meetings are a great way to talk to people interested in everything bee related. Beginners and anyone interested are welcome to attend.


Roscommon Environmental NetworkWebsite


This unincorporated association shall be known under the name Roscommon Environmental Network and is a not-for-profit organisation and community-based group.

The group is established as a network for all those in County Roscommon with an interest in environmental issues, be it individuals or already existing groups. If an existing group becomes a member, then it must nominate one individual to represent them at meetings of the Network.


The primary objective of Roscommon Environmental Network is to protect the environment and promote sustainable development – to create a county that provides a healthy environment for humans, plants and animals, and contains a vibrant Eco-system.

In order to achieve this, the Network will:
• work with others within the community to help create positive changes, locally, nationally and internationally, as appropriate.
• sustain a network of existing individuals and groups who share this vision
• look actively for funding to strengthen and ensure the long-term future of the network
• collaborate with other organisations and individuals to achieve the aims and objectives above

Roscommon Transition Towns website

Roscommon Transition Towns vision is for a resilient local community that can sustain each other during challenges. We long for a healthy and regenerated ecosystem that can provide locally produced food and green energy without harming other species. We imagine a diverse society that is equitable across gender, age, class and race. We believe the warmth of human connection and friendships will help us navigate the changing future, together.

We operate via a core organising group + active sub groups working on practical, community based projects eg: local food system, community energy.


Sligo Environmental NetworkWebsite

Sligo Environmental Network represents a network of people – individuals and groups – wishing to take positive environmental action in Sligo and create a healthy county for all. We organise local actions with the input and direction from members and are involved in our Public Participation Network. Our core group meets regularly. All are welcome to events and meetings.



Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, aims to identify the characteristics (economic, cultural and environmental) of a truly sustainable society, articulate how the necessary transition can be effected and promote the implementation of the measures required for this purpose.

Suircan Environmental Forumwebsite

Suircan is a Clonmel based voluntary group which was founded in 2008 to protect, nurture and improve all things related to the public realm, our shared heritage and natural environment, with a special emphasis on the River Suir.


Wexford Environmental Networkwebsite

A county wide network to connect environmental groups to each other, connect people to local environmental groups and to do on the ground actions in the county.


Dunlavin Green TeamWebsite

Dunlavin Green Team is a local group set up to promote environmental awareness within our community. The group aims to manage projects with an envionmental theme with the overall objective to protect & conserve Dunlavin’s natural environment.

Green GreystonesWebsite

Green Greystones is a collaboration group for promoting climate action, sustainability, biodiversity, just transition & community resilience in Greystones-Delgany and surrounding areas. All welcome to join who are interested in joining forces to campaign, educate, lobby, create community and take action of all kinds.
Let’s build a better world, starting in our own town.
Together we can try to create an aware, awake, just & resilient community in Greystones-Delgany in the face of the massive threats to life on this planet which we face.

Progress has been mixed to date – we have gotten Greystones, Wicklow, Ireland and others counties to declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency and commit to action. We are working on driving stronger Mobilization and Action.

Please join the meitheal – Ní neart go cur le chéile!

West Wicklow Environmental Networkwebsite

The aim of West Wicklow Environmental Network is to provide a platform for individuals and groups throughout West Wicklow with a shared interest in protecting the environment, natural heritage, sustainable development and climate action to come together, communicate, share knowledge and experience, contribute towards policy change at local level and at government level, promote green events and create environmental awareness within West Wicklow.